Please click here for a brief summary and cover image.
Customers who buy from Ex Occidente or from Ziesings will receive as a bonus the wonderful portfolio of drawings that Charles Schneider created to accompany the text. The portfolio is still at the printers but is expected soon; if you order now, the book will ship now with the portfolio to follow.
I'm really proud of the text, Charles' amazing and macabre drawings, and the lovely quality of the book's design, printing, and binding. I hope readers enjoy it.
Reviews can be found on D.F. Lewis' site and on The Stars at Noonday.
*There's an unfortunate error on the copyright page that I must note and take responsibility for: Charles' name was left off of the copyright page. He created the image used on the endpapers, as well as the capital at the beginning of the text. I can't thank Charles enough for his work on my book and I regret the blunder.
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