Thanks to Dan of EO and to Charles Schneider, who provided the custom capitals as well as a sheaf of spectacular drawings which will accompany the book as a portfolio.
A brief description of the book follows:
A Metaphysical Grotesque by Adam S. Cantwell
A Metaphysical Grotesque by Adam S. Cantwell
The German watches the door. White faces rush by like bubbles.
The Russian emerges with the parcel
under his arm. Raindrops darken the brown paper.
Inside the parcel, a silk-lined box;
inside that, the ragged, stained pages of the Miwok’s
manuscript. The cryptic memoir recounts the life and dreams of an obscure
mystic—a childhood on the wild coast of America, at the edge of the earth; servitude
on the Continent; flights to worlds within the world…
It illuminates everything and nothing, it prefigures and obscures the new world
forming beneath the fissured crust of 1939.
The German and the Russian have been
sent after the manuscript and will judge whether it is authentic, or a late
forgery, a hateful slander, or an epochal testament of planetary history. They
will chase the dead savage’s words through Paris, to the edge of
the precipice, and beyond.
The Miwok’s words would help
them, would warn them, if the gulf separating them all could be bridged…